Many wouldn’t realize but travelling does comes along with a tremendously large number of financial risks. In fact, many countries have made travel insurance a mandatory prerequisite in order to apply for a visa. This kind of insurance policy covers for uncertainties such as lost luggage, flight cancellations, delays, or an injury or death while a person is travelling abroad. Usually, travel insurance lasts from the first day of travel until the day the traveler reaches back to their home country. One type of travel insurance policies are single trip contracts which cover the financial risks of a single journey. On the other hand, frequent travelers also have the choice to go for multi-trip travel insurance policies. Such policies are designed specifically for people who travel routinely. Some of them provide for coverage during trips made during an entire year while others cover multiple trips to a particular destination.
Types of Travel Insurance we provide:
- International Travel Insurance Worldwide for Specific period
- Student International Travel Insurance